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Topic: Youth  |  Show questions and answers for all topics

Can an adult apply for South African citizenship through their informally adoptive father?

If her de facto father was assumed to be her biological father, the child would qualify for South African citizenship by descent

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Is my son's school being fair for notifying me of my child's disciplinary hearing four days ahead of time?

According to the Schools Act, a written notice of a disciplinary hearing must be given. Therefore, it seems that the written notice was not unfair.

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How can I adopt my minor relative's baby?

You should contact the Department of Social Development, but the baby needs a birth certificate first.

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What can I do if my mother ripped up my birth certificate before I could get an ID?

It would be best if you can get another trusted adult to go with you, but sometimes these processes at Home Affairs prove difficult.

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What should I do if my child is taking drugs and getting mixed up with drug dealers?

There are different steps you can take depending on the drug(s) she uses.

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Do I have to attach my provident fund to the child maintenance that I pay?

Yes, but only if you have no other means to continue paying maintenance.

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I have been told that I cannot write my matric without an ID but Home Affairs won't issue me one.

It is unconstitutional to be prevented from writing your matric without an ID or other documentation. Your father can make a sworn affidavit to help your ID application.

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How can I bring my minor children back from Nigeria after their father took them there without my permission?

Nigerian laws are different to ours, but an order from a South African court may help your case.

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What should I do if my children's SASSA cards have been left with a moneylender?

You have to contact SASSA.

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How can a mother with an expired visa register her children?

There are a few possible options, but the best route may be to get legal help.

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