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Topic: Sassa | Show questions and answers for all topics
Yes, Iām afraid everyone must change their SASSA gold cards to the Postbank black cards.
SASSA says that if you suspect wrongdoing like that, you must immediately contact their fraud hotline at 0800 601Ā 011, and give them the ID number.
It could be that they are struggling to verify your identity because you have a green ID book and your photo is not clear enough.
Yes, SASSA will pay for the months you didnāt receive payment if your appeal succeeds.
No. While you can qualify for the SASSA pension if your income falls below the cut-off point, you cannot qualify for UIF if you are getting a SASSA pension.
No. SASSA says unequivocally that no one should give their SASSA cards to any other person.
SASSA does not regard outstanding debt or loans as income but regards these as assets. The current old age grant monthly income thresholds is R8,110 for a single person and R16,220 if you are married.
Accommodations should be made to help you if you look different because you have aged since your last ID photo was taken and your fingerprints are faded.
You should notify SASSA. If the problem persists, you can contact Black Sash or a similar organisation.
SASSA manually verifies every application, which takes very long. It could be that there is information missing but SASSA does not inform applicants when this is the case, so you need to keep checking