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Topic: Social Grants  |  Show questions and answers for all topics

What happens if I don't repay my debt to SASSA?

You will not be able to access any social grants in future until your debt is paid.

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I can't verify my identity to Home Affairs or SASSA because I don't look the same and my fingerprints have faded.

Accommodations should be made to help you if you look different because you have aged since your last ID photo was taken and your fingerprints are faded.

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Why is SASSA not sending me an ID verification link?

It could be that they are struggling to verify your identity because you have a green ID book and your photo is not clear enough.

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Can I be paid my UIF and SASSA pension while also getting money from my old job?

Yes, but SASSA grants are means tested, and UIF and pension benefits count as income, so your grant will be less.

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Will withdrawing my provident fund affect my disability grant income?

It depends whether your monthly provident fund withdrawals put you over the maximum allowed income to qualify for the disability grant.

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If I don't withdraw all the money from my SASSA grant, will the remainder be lost?

No, the money will not disappear, but SASSA says you need to withdraw some of the grant money within 90 days.

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How can I apply for a disability grant if I cannot get to the SASSA office?

You can ask a family member or friend to apply on your behalf. They must take a letter from you and a doctor's note saying why you can't visit the office yourself.

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My mother still hasn't received her full grant after being short paid in September 2023.

You should contact Postbank either by phone or email.

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Can SASSA put my pension under review without warning me? How can I complain about a rude SASSA official?

You must be given three months' notice of the review by SASSA. You can complain about the official to SASSA directly.

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What can I do if a credit provider does not deduct the agreed amount?

You can file a complaint with the credit ombud but you must first notify the credit provider and give them 20 days to fix it.

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