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Answers to your questions

Have a question you would like answered? Email us and we may answer it. The questions here are based on ones from our readers, with identifying information removed.

How do I apply for Adult Basic Education Training (ABET) if I don't have my report?

You can make an affidavit explaining your circumstances and ask your old school for a copy.

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Can prisoners claim UIF and provident funds from prison?

Prisoners may claim from the provident fund but not the UIF.

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Can I get a South African ID if my mother was Zimbabwean but I have a South African birth certificate?

Yes, if Home Affairs accepts the ID number on your birth certificate.

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Can I change the terms of my marriage so that I can marry a second wife?

You cannot marry a second wife under customary law if you are already married to the first under civil law.

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Where can I get Depo-testosterone?

Depo-testosterone is only available on prescription

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Can I get an ID if my birth was registered under the name/ID of someone who is not my birth mother?

Yes, but you should include an affidavit explaining the circumstances of your birth.

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Can a title deed be transferred to a child?

Yes, if the child is between the ages of 7 and 18, and a parent or guardian is there to help.

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How can a prisoner who was assigned the wrong case number appeal their sentence?

You need to contact a lawyer.

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How can I change my children's Zimbabwean birth certificate details in SA?

There are pro bono and means-tested legal organisations who can help you.

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Why is my aunt liable for her late husband's debts if they were married out of community of property?

As the representative with the letter of authority, she is required to pay all his debts.

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