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Answers to your questions

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Topic: Fraud  |  Show questions and answers for all topics

How can I report a shop that took my money but never delivered my purchase?

You can lodge a complaint at a Consumer Protection office under Section 41 of the Consumer Protection Act.

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I got scammed by the lawyer when I tried to buy a property. How can I get my money back?

You can lodge a complaint with the Legal Practice Council and lay criminal charges with the police.

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How can my cousin claim his deceased father's estate when a person wrongly declaring to be his fatherโ€™s wife had already claimed?

He should inform the Master of the High Court that the whole family was not included in the nomination of who should wind up the estate.

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How do I report a person who illegally used my daughter's ID to register for the SRD R350 grant?

Your daughter should immediately report it to SASSA, PostBank or theSouth African Fraud Prevention Service

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Do I have to wait for the LPC to resolve my case before I can reclaim the money I was defrauded of?

Yes, because the investigation will determine how much money is owed to you.

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My sister was listed as my spouse on my RDP application. It was approved but now that I want to sell the house she wants to claim her share.

Even though it was unintentional, listing your sister as a spouse is fraud. You may need legal advice.

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