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Answers to your questions

Have a question you would like answered? Email us and we may answer it. The questions here are based on ones from our readers, with identifying information removed.

Can my uncle claim my late father's assets if there is no will but my parents were married in community of property?

No, the Intestate Succession Act of 1987 would apply if there is no will.

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Can I claim UIF if my WCA has been approved but not paid out?

If your WCA claim was still being assessed, then yes. But it is unclear whether you can apply for UIF now.

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Is it legal for law enforcement agencies to confiscate my building materials after demolishing my shack?

No, it is not legal.

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Can I remarry after separating from the woman for whom I paid lobola?

You can only remarry if you get divorced, or if she and the court agree to you taking a second wife.

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Will an immigrant with expired documents be arrested if they go to Home Affairs?

They might. It would be best to contact an organisation that specialises in immigration matters.

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Do I have to wait for the LPC to resolve my case before I can reclaim the money I was defrauded of?

Yes, because the investigation will determine how much money is owed to you.

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Can I claim my late father's house after 18 years?

Yes, the procedure is the same regardless of when he passed.

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How can Zimbabwean domestic workers stay in South Africa?

It will be difficult. as they may not qualify for other visas in the Immigration Act.

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Why can't spouses married under Muslim rites claim deceased funds?

Marriages under Muslim rites are not yet legally recognised in South Africa.

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Do I have to attach my provident fund to the child maintenance that I pay?

Yes, but only if you have no other means to continue paying maintenance.

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