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Answers to your questions

Have a question you would like answered? Email us and we may answer it. The questions here are based on ones from our readers, with identifying information removed.

How can I apply for the late registration of a birth certificate?

It depends during which stage of lockdown the baby was born.

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Can I get permanent residency if my parent does, and I have lived in SA for more than five years?

Yes, if you are a dependent of a permanent residence holder and are aged under 21 years. But there is a massive backlog at Home Affairs.

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How can I update my SASSA details?

SASSA offers three ways to change your details.

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How can I claim my deceased parent's SASSA funeral cover?

SASSA should know who the insurance company is and help you to make the claim.

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How can I submit a UIF claim?

Register on the uFiling website.

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Can I apply for an ID if my parent's ID is blocked?

If there is no other available parental ID but the blocked one, it could take a very long time for Home Affairs to resolve the problem.

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How can you get a late registration of birth certificate and ID if you are an orphan with no family?

You need to find some proof that you were born in South Africa and that at least one of your parents was South African.

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Can a fiancé claim from their deceased partner's intestate estate?

Yes, life partners "in a relationship intended to be permanent" should be regarded as spouses in terms of inheriting intestate estates.

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Why did SARS freeze my money?

You may owe them money, but they should have done their due diligence to notify you first.

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Does a wife have to share her pension money with her husband if he did not share his with her?

Possibly, but she should definitely get legal advice.

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