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Answers to your questions

Have a question you would like answered? Email us and we may answer it. The questions here are based on ones from our readers, with identifying information removed.

How can I adopt my relative's baby?

Apply to the Children's Court for an adoption order. There will be checks to make sure you will be a fit parent.

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I lost my V-list stamped passport. What happens if I get a new one?

You will still be V-listed. These bans are not taken off until they have been successfully appealed.

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How can I get compensation if I was wrongfully arrested?

There are a few ways you can do this, but it must be within three years of the arrest.

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I just found out my partner is HIV-positive. Help!

There are three points to consider here.

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Can I register my child's birth if I did not have valid documents at the time?

Yes. Every child has the constitutional right to a name and nationality from birth, including birth registration.

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Can I apply for citizenship if I wasn't born in here and only one parent is South African?

Yes, but you need to get a South African birth certificate first.

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Can I apply for a loan while receiving a SASSA grant?

Yes, although you can't borrow money from SASSA itself.

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Do I have to take my ARVs at exactly the same time every day?

Not really. Changing the time you take them by several hours is nothing to worry about.

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My ex used my ID number to apply for RDP housing. Now I don't qualify.

You need to report this fraud to the Department of Human Settlements and escalate if necessary.

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What can I do if I have been blacklisted?

Approach the business you owe money to and try to negotiate a settlement. Then go into debt counselling.

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