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Topic: How to deal with eviction  |  Show questions and answers for all topics

Where can I as a pensioner go with my disabled grandchildren now that we have been evicted?

You should get legal advice if you have been evicted without a court order.

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Can I be evicted from the farm I have been living on for decades?

As a person living on a farm, you may be covered by the Extension of Security of Tenure Act of 1997.

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What is the next step for farm workers who have been dismissed and evicted from the land they were working?

They must make representations under Section 8(1)E of the Extension of Security of Tenure Act (ESTA).

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My landlord wants to evict us once he gets the title deed. Should I still pay rent?

Renting RDP houses is technically illegal, but you cannot be evicted without a court order.

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What are the rights of someone who has occupied a house after it was abandoned 20 years ago?

Under the PIE Act, you cannot be evicted without a court order. You might be able to transfer the house to your name.

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Does my late ex-husband's girlfriend have claim to his estate?

Unless he made a will leaving his share of the property and assets to his girlfriend, she cannot claim his estate.

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How can we get our late grandfather's children to agree that his house belongs to me and my sister?

If they have valid claim to the house, you can ask a mediator to help your family come to an agreement.

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We have been told that the tribal authority did not have the right to sell land to us. What will happen to us?

Even if an eviction order is granted, you cannot be evicted until after lockdown. You may need legal assistance if you want to be recompensated.

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Someone has been illegally renting their CTCHC house to me and now we are being evicted. Please help!

You cannot be evicted during lockdown, but maybe you should apply for a Community Residential Unit in the meantime.

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Can a rental officer stop us from living in the house that our deceased relative rented since 1993?

Depending on her reasoning, you may need to report her to the Housing Department.

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