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Answers to your questions

Have a question you would like answered? Email us and we may answer it. The questions here are based on ones from our readers, with identifying information removed.

My mother still hasn't received her full grant after being short paid in September 2023.

You should contact Postbank either by phone or email.

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Will the government compensate me for my chronic illness from when I was diagnosed?

No, if your application for a disability grant is approved, you will only be paid from the day you applied.

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My name was linked to an RDP house and now I can't apply for my own. What can I do?

You first need to find out how your name was linked to an RDP house before you can apply.

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Doesย the Prescription Act apply to labour law?

Judges are divided, but it seems the Prescription Act can apply to labour matters.

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Can SASSA put my pension under review without warning me? How can I complain about a rude SASSA official?

You must be given three months' notice of the review by SASSA. You can complain about the official to SASSA directly.

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If there are two houses on a property, one townhouse and the other an RDP house, will there be two title deeds?

It's unclear. If the RDP house was built after the townhouse, both belong to the property owner so there may be just one title deed.

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What can I do if a credit provider does not deduct the agreed amount?

You can file a complaint with the credit ombud but you must first notify the credit provider and give them 20 days to fix it.

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Can I sell my RDP house if I have not received my title deed?

You need to have the title deed to sell the house. You also need to first offer it back to the municipality before you can sell it.

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How can a foreign student get financial aid if they got good matric results?

It is very difficult for foreign citizens to get financial aid in South Africa. Perhaps approach the institution where you want to study and ask them if they can help you.

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Is there a way I can change my personal information on my matric certificate?

It should not be necessary to change the personal information on your matric certificate, but you can apply for the certificate to be verified through Umalusi.

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