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Answers to your questions

Have a question you would like answered? Email us and we may answer it. The questions here are based on ones from our readers, with identifying information removed.

Can I remove illegal occupants staying at a house for which I have a letter of authority?

Under ordinary circumstances, no one can be evicted without a court order.

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I applied for an RDP house in 2015, but was told the list got lost. Is this possible?

No, it should not be possible that the housing office can simply lose your application.

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I lost my proof of an RDP application. What should I do?

Even if you lost your proof of applying, the municipality should be able to give you a copy.

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I'm a 27-year-old asylum seeker. Can I still be adopted?

You might need legal assistance.

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How can I claim death benefits from UIF for my late wife?

You have to claim within six months of the person’s death.

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I received nothing from my late father's pension fund. What should I do?

Pension funds have different rules. Here's what you can do.

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Can I still claim my provident fund and UIF from agencies where I used to work?

You won't be able to claim UIF while you are currently working.

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Which documents do I need to swap my RDP house?

You should go to the conveyancing attorney’s office.

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Is it possible that someone stole my benefits from the Mineworkers Provident Fund?

It seems unlikely, but here's what you can do.

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How can I get the title deed of an RDP house I've lived in since 1998?

You need to visit your nearest Deeds Office.

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