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Answers to your questions

Have a question you would like answered? Email us and we may answer it. The questions here are based on ones from our readers, with identifying information removed.

I can't open a bank account because I have a Visitor's Visa. What must I do?

You can get an endorsement on your spousal visa. Here's how.

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Can a divorcee apply for an RDP house?

Yes, but there are several factors involved.

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Which documents do I need to claim UIF as an asylum seeker?

Here's the different ways to assist you.

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Can I apply for the Older Person's Grant before turning 60?

No, you need to be 60 already.

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My late father wrote an affidavit in 2011, leaving his house and everything in it to me. Is it still legally binding?

You may be able to use the affidavit, but there are steps you have to take

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Can Home Affairs refuse to register my child if the mother's Visa expired?

No, they may not refuse to register a child’s birth. Here's why.

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I qualified for a disability grant but after missing work, my UIF claim was rejected. What must I do?

You can still claim, but it depends on several factors.

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I want to claim my late mother’s RDP house, but my uncle wants to take it. What must I do?

You need to find out if a title deed was issued for the house.

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Can a grandparent pay child support if they're on state pension?

It's unlikely that the court would require a grandparent to pay child support from their state pension.

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Can I still claim my provident fund after being incarcerated for fraud?

Yes, but it depends on the amount of damages paid over to your employer.

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