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Answers to your questions

Have a question you would like answered? Email us and we may answer it. The questions here are based on ones from our readers, with identifying information removed.

Home Affairs won't issue a birth certificate for my daughter because she was born in Lesotho

The Constitutional Court ruled in July 2020 that children born in other countries with at least one South African parent are entitled to citizenship

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Can SASSA terminate my wife's pension because I am a GEPF member?

All SASSA grants are means-tested. If your combined income is too high, SASSA will not pay her

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Can I apply for an RDP house if I don't have an ID?

No. IDs are not being issued during the pandemic, so you may need legal help

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Is it possible to get the house that my father sold back?

See if there is a title deed for the house and whose name appears on it. You could contact Housing Enquiries for assistance

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Can we reclaim our late mother's RDP house if it was transferred to someone else in 2006?

It may be very difficult, if not impossible, to reclaim the house after such a long time, especially if the municipality awarded it to someone else.

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Can my employer maintain a 15% pay cut because we are all working from home?

Yes, because the BCEA is still in force despite the pandemic. You could discuss it with your employers.

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What will happen to my husband's RDP house that he got with his ex-wife if one of us dies?

If the title deed of the house is in your husband's name, you each own 50% of the house. If one dies, the other inherits their share.

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I'm pregnant. What visa options are available to let my boyfriend stay in SA longer than three months?

He could apply for a number of visas: work, critical skills, life partner or (eventually) a relative visa

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Can I claim UIF for my workers after the salon was closed for four months?

You can claim normal UIF. Your salon might qualify for the latest extension of the TERS payout.

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What is the correct way to sell an RDP house?

Buying and selling a house is complicated. Here are the steps that need to be followed.

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