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Answers to your questions

Have a question you would like answered? Email us and we may answer it. The questions here are based on ones from our readers, with identifying information removed.

I am a ZEP holder but my daughter's school still wants me to pay school fees

Excluding ZEP holders from accessing school fees exemption is not in line with the spirit of the Constitution or the Schools Act.

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SARS has the wrong ID number for me. What can I do?

If the company has submitted incorrect information, they need to correct it and resend to SARS.

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The municipality is threatening to evict me because I don't have a title deed

They cannot evict you without a court order. If you haven't yet, you should apply for RDP housing

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What can my Egyptian boyfriend do to stay in SA now that his passport has expired?

He needs to become "legalised." You would need legal help.

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I employ private carers. How do I pay their UIF?

If you are registered as an employer, your UIF is paid via SARS. Otherwise, you will need to pay directly to the UIF.

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Can refugee matriculants renew their permits and apply for ID this year (2021)?

Asylum/refugee status has been renewed up to 31 March 2021. You can apply for an ID.

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My husband got an RDP house with his previous wife. Can I apply for one without him?

Unfortunately, I don't think you can but you might be able to apply for a subsidy.

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Can my domestic worker claim UIF if I have reduced the number of days she works?

Yes, she should be able to claim under the β€œreduced working time option.”

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My late father's first wife wants to claim his estate. His second wife and I need help.

If he died without a will, the Intestate Succession Act applies. You may need legal help.

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My ex had my child and I didn't know. Can I give the baby my name?

It is up to the mother whether she wants the child to have her name or the father's name

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