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Answers to your questions

Have a question you would like answered? Email us and we may answer it. The questions here are based on ones from our readers, with identifying information removed.

How can I get my stepmother to include me as a beneficiary of my late father's estate?

You might automatically qualify as a dependant if you meet the requirements of the pension fund, regardless of your stepmother's preference.

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Can I renew my asylum permit online?

Home Affairs online asylum renewal process has not yet started.

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How can I transfer the property that my mother bought in 1993 to my name if it was never transferred to her?

You need to negotiate a new deal with the municipality that issued the Deed of Sale.

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Am I responsible for outstanding municipal bills of my newly purchased property?

The seller should have paid the bills before the sale. You should contact the municipality.

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How can we apply for an ID for our foster child that has a mental disability? Home Affairs and Social Services refuse to help.

You may need legal intervention to compel Social Services to issue the required documentation for Home Affairs.

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My sister and I inherited our late mother's RDP. Can I transfer the house to only my name?

You and your sister have an equal right to the house, so you would have to come to some agreement.

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What is the asylum application procedure?

You need to apply at the nearest Refugee Reception Office, but all the offices are closed during lockdown.

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Can I submit a letter of authority instead of a permission-to-occupy certificate to withdraw my housing allowance?

It wouldn’t be permissible to send the LOA instead of the PTO, as they are very different documents

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How can we revoke our tenant's letter of authority that he got without our knowledge?

You could get a copy of his letter of authority from the Master's office but you will probably need legal help to sort this all out.

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Can I stop my father from selling land that he promised to me?

Unfortunately, there is no legal step you can take to stop him.

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