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Answers to your questions

Have a question you would like answered? Email us and we may answer it. The questions here are based on ones from our readers, with identifying information removed.

My family home has become a drug house. How can I evict my relatives?

You need to follow the appropriate protocol to get an eviction order from the court, even though it may not be put into effect until the pandemic is over

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Is it possible to adopt a 16-year-old asylum seeker from the DRC?

I could not find anything to indicate that it would not be possible

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My husband kicked me and our children out of his mother's house that she gave to us. Can we fight it?

You will need help from your mother-in-law if the title deed is still in her name

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How can we stop our mother from selling the house that we have 50% claim to?

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Are there any free rehabilitation centres in Cape Town that take in heroin users?

There are two free government in-patient rehab centres in Cape Town. Other clinics may also be able to help.

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I have been waiting almost three years for my permanent resident visa and I am desperate for help

You may need legal assistance

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If it is illegal to rent out an RDP house, why did the government not do anything when I was evicted during the lockdown?

They often fail to enforce their own laws. There are some things you can do about your eviction

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What steps need to be taken if a court judgment has been reserved for more than three months?

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How can I register for Grade 11 if I have been out of school for a long time?

If you are younger than 21, you would apply to a school by the last day of the first term, for the following year.

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Has Home Affairs said anything regarding the Angolan Special Permit due to expire at the end of 2021?

Unfortunately not. You may want to reach out to Scalabrini.

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