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Answers to your questions

Have a question you would like answered? Email us and we may answer it. The questions here are based on ones from our readers, with identifying information removed.

I am disabled and my house is crumbling. What can I do?

The municipality should help you, but you may have better luck contacting a humanitarian organisation.

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Why does the online Housing Subsidy Portal say that my ID is not found even though I applied in 2015?

It could mean that the application was withdrawn by the municipality.

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Can someone with dementia write a valid will?

It depends on whether the person has testamentary capacity, which is explained below.

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Do I qualify for a SASSA loan?

SASSA does not give loans.

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What happens if an underage child is left assets from a deceased estate?

The assets are kept in an account under the supervision of the Master of the High Court until the child turns 18.

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How can I apply for UIF death benefits if I was in a traditional marriage with no marriage certificate?

You will have to provide some proof of the marriage, like lobola letters of a letter from the chief.

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What should I do if my children's SASSA cards have been left with a moneylender?

You have to contact SASSA.

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What child support options are available to mothers who cannot supply supporting documents?

They will not qualify for government support, but there may be community programmes that could help.

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Can my UIF death benefits application be denied if I don't have an unabridged marriage certificate?

The UIF website does not specify what type of marriage certificate is needed, so it seems unlikely.

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If I settle on municipal land, can I negotiate with the municipality to buy it later?

No, it's illegal - the municipality would consider this as land invasion.

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