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Answers to your questions

Have a question you would like answered? Email us and we may answer it. The questions here are based on ones from our readers, with identifying information removed.

Can a seller change their mind about the cost of the house and sell it for more than it's worth?

The seller can name their price for their property but cannot change their mind after the offer to purchase has been signed.

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Can I get a government loan to buy a municipal house if I am unemployed but have some money saved?

Most banks want you to show proof of two years of continuous employment to qualify for a loan.

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My mother's employer was not paying her UIF and is now kicking us out of our home on her property.

It is illegal not to pay your domestic worker's UIF. Your mother should apply for social grants and housing.

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Who can assist me to obtain a Permission to Occupy (PTO) certificate?

Your municipal manager ought to know, otherwise ask the MEC for Agriculture and Rural Development.

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What can be done about abusive treatment in the workplace?

You can report the matter to the CCMA.

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Can I be compensated for the money I spent on municipal services arrears of my late grandparents' house?

If you don't buy the house, your chances of recovering the money aren't very good.

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Why is it taking so long to transfer my Zimbabwean Exemption Permit to a new passport?

Home Affairs has been particularly inefficient since the Covid restrictions were implemented.

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Can I get my SRD grant money for months that I was unable to collect before?

You can collect payments from August 2021 to March 2022.

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Why is my wife getting a portion of my pension if we are married out of community of property?

If you were married before 1 November 1984, she can apply for redistribution of assets.

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Can I list my niece as a dependant on my RDP application?

Yes, if she relies on you for financial support.

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