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Answers to your questions

Have a question you would like answered? Email us and we may answer it. The questions here are based on ones from our readers, with identifying information removed.

If I settle on municipal land, can I negotiate with the municipality to buy it later?

No, it's illegal - the municipality would consider this as land invasion.

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Can my employer withhold my provident fund if I was dismissed on a safety-related charge?

No, only the provident fund can withhold an employee's provident fund for reasons stipulated in Section 37 of the Pensions Act.

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If you were not compensated for a workplace injury a few years ago, can you claim money if it is still affecting you?

The Compensation Commissioner will not pay for claims that are made more than 12 months after the accident.

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How can ordinary citizens hold our municipalities accountable for their actions (or lack thereof)?

There are processes in place for this, but it is usually more effective to organise as a community.

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Can disabled people get RDP houses?

Yes, the municipality is supposed to give preference to a disabled person applying for an RDP house.

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How can a mother with an expired visa register her children?

There are a few possible options, but the best route may be to get legal help.

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What are the rights of someone who has occupied a house after it was abandoned 20 years ago?

Under the PIE Act, you cannot be evicted without a court order. You might be able to transfer the house to your name.

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How can a first-time applicant get their ID without their parents or a birth certificate?

You will need whatever documents of theirs that you have and apply for both documents at the same time.

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Can my coworker sell half her RDP house to me?

Yes, but only if she has owned the property for more than eight years.

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How can I make a review application to the Labour Court to overturn a decision made by the CCMA?

A review application is made by filling out Form 4 at the Labour Court.

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