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Answers to your questions

Have a question you would like answered? Email us and we may answer it. The questions here are based on ones from our readers, with identifying information removed.

What can I do if SARS keeps declining my tax directive application to access my provident fund? My Malawian passport expired and I lost my job six months ago.

If your tax directive application is declined, it may be due to incorrect data captured

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Can I, a non-South African, write my matric exams if I only have a valid passport?

Yes, you can write your matric exams and get your results with a valid passport.

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Can I extend my shack without getting in trouble with law enforcement?

You can apply for a shack extension permit from the Informal Settlements Management Department.

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Can a company withhold an employee's salary if the company's client did not pay them?

Absolutely not. A worker is employed by the company, not the company’s client.

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How are council houses inherited by the deceased owner/tenant's children?

If there is no will, the Intestate Succession Act will apply.

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Who inherits the house of a man who was married to but separated from one woman and in a long-term partnership with another?

It may be that your mother and children and the separated wife and her children are both entitled to inherit.

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What should I do if my passport is on the V-list?

You can contact Home Affairs to appeal your status as a "prohibited person".

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My employer didn't pay the money they deducted from my wages to the provident fund. Now what?

You should send a registered letter to the Trustees of the Fund asking them to investigate.

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Was I wrong for stopping my domestic worker's UIF contributions when she applied for a SASSA grant?

You are supposed to pay UIF contributions until your employee stops working for you.

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What can I do if my RDP house was approved but now they can't find my ID on the housing database?

This is unusual. You should follow up with the office where you made your application. If they can't help, contact the MEC, the Ombudsman or a legal organisation.

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