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Topic: children  |  Show questions and answers for all topics

What can I do if my UIF maternity benefits still haven't been paid over a year since I applied?

You should lay a complaint with the UIF. If they don't help, you can escalate your complaint to the call centre at 0800 030 007.

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What documents will I need for my baby if I, a foreign national, give birth in South Africa?

You first need to register your baby's birth with Home Affairs, then apply for their passport at your embassy/consulate so that you can apply for an Accompanying Minors Visa.

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Can I get shared custody of my son if I was not named as the father on his birth certificate?

Yes, but only with the mother's permission can an application be made to the High Court.

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How can a Zimbabwean woman who is here legally register the birth of her child?

She can go to the Department of Home Affairs. Because she and the father are Zimbabwean, the child's birth certificate will not have an ID number.

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Can a child be denied attending their matric dance due to non-payment of school fees?

No. Legally, the principal does not have the power to block access to the matric farewell because of outstanding school fees.

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How can I adopt my relative's baby?

Apply to the Children's Court for an adoption order. There will be checks to make sure you will be a fit parent.

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Can I register my child's birth if I did not have valid documents at the time?

Yes. Every child has the constitutional right to a name and nationality from birth, including birth registration.

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Can I get Home Affairs to make my ID interview sooner if it's urgent?

Your best bet is probably to ask an organisation that frequently deals with Home Affairs to help you.

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What should we do now that my son's Child Support Grant payment has stopped because the primary care giver died?

You should go to the SASSA office and explain the situation and why you are applying for the Child Support Grant.

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How can I take custody of my 16-year-old sonĀ andĀ change hisĀ surname to mine?

Both of these issues can be resolved through mediation to reach an agreement or parenting plan, which can then be made an order of court.

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