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Answers to your questions

Have a question you would like answered? Email us and we may answer it. The questions here are based on ones from our readers, with identifying information removed.

What can my pensioner mother do about her too-high water bills?

If she suspects there has been a mistake, she should query the account. Otherwise she may qualify for indigent relief, depending on her income.

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How can I leave a customary marriage if I lost the lobola negotiations letter and we didn't register the marriage at Home Affairs?

There are other ways that you can prove your marriage to get divorced.

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I have been waiting five months to get my SRD payment date

SASSA has warned that there will be delays in paying social grants after the income threshold was increased

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Can my wife register our child in my absence if we are married under religious law?

A mother can register the child in the father's name if she has proof of marriage

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What is the best way to evict my abusive boyfriend from my shack?

If there is community leadership – like a committee that tracks ownership of shacks – you can contact them for help.

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When selling property, is it right for the conveyancing attorney to demand payment upfront?

Yes, the process of transferring the property to the buyer can only happen once the rates have been paid.

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How can I get legal permission to work in South Africa?

Legal permission to work in South Africa is accessed by getting a visa. In you case it can be a relatives visa, spousal visa or life partner visa

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Can an adult apply for South African citizenship through their informally adoptive father?

If her de facto father was assumed to be her biological father, the child would qualify for South African citizenship by descent

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I believe my grandmother was influenced to give her house away for free. What can I do about it?

You can take the matter to court but the onus of proof is on you.

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I applied for government housing. Why does my application status say "NHNR"?

"NHNR" stands for National Housing Needs Register. It probably means that you are registered but that there is no further news yet.

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