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Answers to your questions

Have a question you would like answered? Email us and we may answer it. The questions here are based on ones from our readers, with identifying information removed.

How can I transfer an RDP house which is in my father’s name to my mother’s name if he left the house to me and my siblings in his will?

If your parents were married in community of property, which is likely, then the RDP house belongs to them both, jointly.

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What can I do if Home Affairs is taking long to process my son's citizenship application and my visa is expiring soon?

Your best option would be to urgently consult with an organisation experienced in dealing with Home Affairs.

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Can real estate agents make you give the house back if there is still some money outstanding?

The agent does not have the power to simply take back the house.

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Can I amend my divorce order after 23 years if my ex-husband did not share his assets with me?

Yes, but the question of why you have left it for 23 years will be central to any consideration of varying the court order of divorce.

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How can I help my pregnant wife to stop drinking alcohol?

Your wife may need to join an organisation that helps alcoholics and educates people about the dangers of drinking during pregnancy.

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What is needed to make a will?

There are a number of free will templates that you can download.

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How can I speed up the process of my mother having her house restored after she had been evicted during apartheid?

The best people to approach about speeding up your mother’s claim are those involved in the District Six Working Committee.

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Is it possible for me to legally own the land that I bought from someone that actually belonged to the municipality?

It is possible if the municipality does not need the land, but it is a long, complex procedure.

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How can I delink my cousin from my late mother's profile at Home Affairs if they refuse to help me?

You could provide sworn affidavits as to their own identities and relationship, and declare that your cousin is not your mother’s child.

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Can I reopen my worker's compensation case if I was retrenched after being injured on duty?

If your injury happened less than two years ago, your injury on duty case should still be open.

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