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Answers to your questions

Have a question you would like answered? Email us and we may answer it. The questions here are based on ones from our readers, with identifying information removed.

Can I change the time of taking my ARVs?

Yes, as long as you don't go more than 24 hours between doses.

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How long should an HIV-positive mother breastfeed her baby?

The recommendation is to exclusively breastfeed for the first six months.

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Can I use herbs or supplements with my ARVs?

ARVs are good enough that you do not need to take supplements for HIV treatment

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What can I do about weight gain from ARVs?

We suggest you ask your doctor about your weight gain.

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How can I increase my CD4 count without ARVs?

The only way to increase your CD4 is to use ARVs

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Is my girlfriend at risk of contracting HIV if my viral load has been undetectable for a year and then bounced to 125?

Your partner is safe as long as your viral load is less than 200.

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Can I restart my ARVs at a different clinic?

It should be possible for you to restart your ARVs from the second clinic.

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My employer filed their papers late in their opposition to my CCMA case, but has not applied for condonation of the late filing. What happens now?

Ask your lawyer to investigate whether it is advisable (or still possible) to object to the late filing of the employer’s opposing affidavit.

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My complex is without water and power because the private rental company failed to pay the bills. They refuse to take ownership. What can we do?

Start by laying a complaint with your provincial Rental Housing Tribunal to hold the management to account.

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How much does it cost to register for a Permission to Occupy (PTO) certificate?

There is no agreed price for a PTO.

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