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Answers to your questions

Have a question you would like answered? Email us and we may answer it. The questions here are based on ones from our readers, with identifying information removed.

Can I claim my late father’s position in the mine he was working for before he was injured in the 1990s?

Only family members of the 20 miners who died in the Kloof Ikamva shaft accident in 2018 can claim jobs. You will need to apply in the regular way,

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Can a university report unpaid fees to a credit bureau?

It is usually debt collectors rather than universities that report unpaid debts to the credit bureau. You can check your credit status online.

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If I inherit my father's house, do I still qualify for my own RDP? And can my daughter inherit it from me even if we have different last names?

You will not qualify for an RDP house if you inherit your father's house. Your daughter can still inherit from your estate if you have different last names.

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Can I apply for a birth certificate with a duplicate clinic card if I lost the original?

Yes, you can apply for a duplicate clinic card from the hospital where you were born.

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How can my siblings and I sell our late mother’s house without an executor being appointed?

It is not possible to sell the house before an executor is appointed.

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Do I have to give proof of residence of both the houses I own to SASSA, when applying for a social grant?

The proof of residence is only required for the house that you actually live in.

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How do I renew my asylum seeker’s permit?

You can email the RRO where you got your most recent extension to make an appointment or try to renew it online.

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How can my husband write matric if he does not have a grade 9 certificate and cannot afford a private college?

He can get his grade 9 and matric certificates for free through the Department of Basic Education.

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Can my partner’s surname be changed to my surname when we get married as a same-sex couple?

Yes, both partners in a civil union can choose what surnames they will be known by.

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How can my cousin claim his deceased father's estate when a person wrongly declaring to be his father’s wife had already claimed?

He should inform the Master of the High Court that the whole family was not included in the nomination of who should wind up the estate.

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