
Two teachers’ unions agree to 3% wage increase

SADTU and NAPTOSA reluctantly accept government offer


Brief | 6 October 2022

Plett boy electrocuted at sports stadium

Family of five-year-old Bradlin Jacobs blames Bitou Municipality for not fixing vandalised electrical box


News | 27 September 2022

Ekurhuleni family demands investigation after baby exposed to police teargas

They claim police threw the container into the property while chasing protesters


News | 21 September 2022

Lack of fuel brings Tshwane buses to a stop

Union says those responsible must be punished


Brief | 21 September 2022

Government needs to speed up cannabis law reform, say protesters

“We’ve been given the constitutional right to grow and consume it, but we haven’t been given the right to trade with it,” says Linda Siboto


Brief | 19 September 2022

Sewage seeps into Vaal Dam as Mpumalanga water treatment plants fail

Gauteng drinking water could be threatened if crisis is not fixed


Feature | 9 September 2022

Anger at civil society exclusion from Presidential summit

3,500 organisations have sent a letter to the presidency demanding an explanation


News | 8 September 2022

Taxi drivers bully Centurion community into stopping protest

Olievenhoutbosch residents had blocked major roads in the area to demand housing and better services. This journalist was also assaulted by taxi drivers.


Brief | 29 August 2022

Wednesday of discontent: workers picket around the country

Demands range from cheaper taxi fares to a Basic Income Grant

By and

News | 24 August 2022

R23-million Tsomo centre unfinished after seven years

Building was intended to make life easier for residents of the small Eastern Cape town


Brief | 18 August 2022

Durban residents repair flood damage, give up on government

Some suburban associations have ambitions to get “off the municipal grid”


News | 15 August 2022

Amathole Municipality and Department of Water blame each other for leaving villages dry

Workers oppose the mayor’s plan to bring in a new company and cut their wages. Mayor blames the Department - but the municipality has not released funds to the contractor.


News | 1 August 2022

Villagers raise R135k to build bridge across deadly river

Vondo villagers have been asking the Thulamela Municipality for a footbridge for over 20 years


News | 26 July 2022

You can queue at dawn but still not be served at the labour department in Belvillle

“Such a big sacrifice for a simple service — if the process was well managed”


News | 18 July 2022

Eskom goes after delinquent municipality’s bank accounts

City of Matlosana Local Municipality in North West owes Eskom over R800-million


Law | 18 July 2022

12 years after a court ordered it, government plans to build a special needs school

Eastern Cape education department’s plan commits to building permanent school by 2027


News | 4 July 2022