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Answers to your questions

Have a question you would like answered? Email us and we may answer it. The questions here are based on ones from our readers, with identifying information removed.

How we apply for the ownership of my late father-in-law's house, which does not have a title deed?

You should obtain a Letter of Authority from the magistrate's court.

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How can my late mother's clan name be put on a title deed, instead of my half-brother's father's clan name?

You will first need to settle the question of who will become owner of the house.

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Are my sister and I eligible for a portion of our late mother's GEPF?

The best thing to do is to contact the GEPF directly.

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I have not received my Provident Fund payout after 10 months. What should I do?

Normally it should not take more than 4 to 8 weeks, if your tax affairs are in order.

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How can I get Home Affairs to change my marital status?

You may need legal assistance to speed up the process.

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Why does my RDP application status say “withdrawn by applicant”?

The municipality must have the agreement of the person concerned to withdraw the application.

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What can I do to prevent my father from selling a property in which my sister has been living for years?

The only legal way the deeds can be transferred is if your sister buys or inherits the house.

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What I can do if I owe SARS money but am now unemployed?

You can contact SARS and ask them to assist you.

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How can I get my ID when Home Affairs can't find my birth certificate in the system?

You can apply for a birth certificate in a late registration of birth application.

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My grandfather may have received an RDP house. What should we do?

You can phone the Housing Enquiries Hotline and find out what happened to his RDP application.

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