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Answers to your questions

Have a question you would like answered? Email us and we may answer it. The questions here are based on ones from our readers, with identifying information removed.

How much does it cost to change ownership of a house?

There are several costs involved in the process

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I bought an RDP house without the title deed and now the seller wants the house back. What must I do?

You need to get some legal advice

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Am I eligible for the Covid-19 relief grant if I receive a GEPF grant?

No, the new social grant is for people who receive no other form of income

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How can my second wife change her surname to mine?

You'll need to register your customary marriage

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I’m late with rent. Can the landlord attach my vehicle?

Yes, if they apply for an attachment order

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Why was my brother’s application for an older person’s grant declined?

Here's why SASSA declined his applicaiton

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How do payment holidays influence your credit score?

It should not negatively affect your credit score

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My father is threatening to evict my brothers from his RDP house. What should they do?

They might need legal assistance

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I am a foreigner. How can I register my child in South Africa?

You might need legal assistance

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How can I formalise my marriage as an asylum seeker in South Africa?

You might need legal assistance

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