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Topic: Social Grants  |  Show questions and answers for all topics

Why was my brother’s application for an older person’s grant declined?

Here's why SASSA declined his applicaiton

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How can I claim a SASSA disability grant?

You need to hand in a medical report that confirms your disability.

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How can I claim death benefits from UIF for my late wife?

You have to claim within six months of the person’s death.

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Can I still claim my provident fund and UIF from agencies where I used to work?

You won't be able to claim UIF while you are currently working.

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Which documents do I need to claim UIF as an asylum seeker?

Here's the different ways to assist you.

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Can I apply for the Older Person's Grant before turning 60?

No, you need to be 60 already.

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I qualified for a disability grant but after missing work, my UIF claim was rejected. What must I do?

You can still claim, but it depends on several factors.

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Can a grandparent pay child support if they're on state pension?

It's unlikely that the court would require a grandparent to pay child support from their state pension.

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Should I wait for my unemployment insurance to finish paying out before applying for an old age pension?

Yes, you should probably get all your unemployment insurance payments before applying for an old age pension.

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My mother died and I went to withdraw her social grant for her final month. Can SASSA demand it back from me?

It depends on when your mother withdrew her grant.

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