Ask Athalie Banner

Answers to your questions

Have a question you would like answered? Email us and we may answer it. The questions here are based on ones from our readers, with identifying information removed.

I was a child when my mother died three years ago. How can I get a duplicate of her ID and report her death to the Masters Office?

If you have something with her ID number on, go to Home Affairs and ask them to help you with the ID. You can report her death by lodging a completed death notice.

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Where can I apply for an ID online?

You can submit ID and passport applications and payments on the eHomeAffairs website.

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How can I check if the RDP house I applied for has been approved?

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What can I do if my partner who is serving a life sentence is being denied the right to request parole and the right to adequate health care?

You could lay a complaint at the Judicial Inspectorate for Correctional Services (JICS).

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Will withdrawing my provident fund affect my disability grant income?

It depends whether your monthly provident fund withdrawals put you over the maximum allowed income to qualify for the disability grant.

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Can the child of a deceased domestic worker claim money from their parent's employer if no pension was paid out?

There is no law compelling employers of domestic workers to provide a pension, but they do need to register the worker for UIF.

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I have been waiting years for Home Affairs to change my marital status. What can I do?

Home Affairs is dealing with a huge backlog of applications. You may need legal aid to compel them to process yours now.

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Can I get South African citizenship by descent if I was born in another country?

Yes, but you may need to prove that you are the biological child of a South African citizen.

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I don't know my birth parents and Home Affairs keeps refusing me an ID. What can I do?

Home Affairs is supposed to let your adoptive parents help you apply. They should also tell you why your applications have been denied.

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Can I be evicted from the farm I have been living on for decades?

As a person living on a farm, you may be covered by the Extension of Security of Tenure Act of 1997.

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