Have a question you would like answered? Email us and we may answer it. The questions here are based on ones from our readers, with identifying information removed.
You cannot be evicted during lockdown, but maybe you should apply for a Community Residential Unit in the meantime.
There are a few organisations that offer assistance, shelter, counselling, legal support and educational programmes
Approach the SAPS unit or contact the Department of Public Service and Administration
Depending on her reasoning, you may need to report her to the Housing Department.
It is possible that there was a miscalculation. You should contact the UIF immediately.
You and the mother/s will need a court order to compel the fund to do this.
The Master of the High Court issues a letter of authority to whoever was nominated to administer a deceased's estate.
No, the deceased cannot leave the estate to someone else without their spouse's permission.
It depends on whether your mother left a will. You still have the 50% share left by your grandmother.
You may want the CCMA to get involved.