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Answers to your questions

Have a question you would like answered? Email us and we may answer it. The questions here are based on ones from our readers, with identifying information removed.

How can we evict illegal occupiers from my parents' house if my mother's name doesn't appear on the title deed and my dad has run off with another woman?

If your mother and father divorced, they would each be entitled to 50% of the joint estate created by being married in community of property.

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What procedures do I need to take to get citizenship, as my mother is South African but my father is a Lesotho citizen and I was born in Lesotho, though I have been studying in South Africa?

As it is your mother that is South African, not your father, I don’t think they should require a DNA test from your father. However, they might want one from you and your mother.

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What can I do as my ex-wife, with whom I was married in community of property, refuses to sign off on her share of the house?

The divorce order, which is binding on both parties, does not in itself vest ownership in the other spouse, although it does create the right to enforce transfer.

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Can SASSA reclaim grant money because I earned a wage of R1,300

SASSA can demand repayment for the period that your income exceeded the qualifying amount of the grant.

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Why is my RDP application status saying "in allocation"?

"In allocation" means that the provincial Allocation Committee is in the process of deciding who should be allocated a house and you are among the applicants being considered.

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Can I use my late father’s documents to apply for a study permit in South Africa? He was Zimbabwean but had a non-citizen SA ID.

Your father's permanent residence in South Africa does not give you access to study in South Africa.

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Who can I complain to about my former employer failing to submit the correct UIF documents?

You should report this to UIF and ask them to intervene, as you cannot claim your UIF benefits until your employer sends the documents.

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I received an appointment letter from the Refugee Reception Office (RRO) in Gqeberha. Can I use the same letter for an interview in the Cape Town RRO?

Yes, you should be able to get an interview in the new Cape Town RRO in Epping using this letter.

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I need help with my employer who is harassing me because I have refused to have a COVID vaccination. I also suspect that my employer will withhold my pension on the grounds of incomplete forms.

Perhaps you can ask SASBO the Finance Union as it is known, for advice. You should ask the HR department to assist you to check if there are any errors. It is HR’s job to assist employees in that way.

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Is it possible to switch my 2-month-old baby from breastmilk to formula?

We suggest that you ask your healthcare provide to make sure the advice is most suited to you.

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