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Topic: Social Grants  |  Show questions and answers for all topics

Can I still get my social grant if I inherit money?

Yes, but only if you still pass the means test.

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Is my wife entitled to an older person's grant from SASSA if we are married out of community of property?

Both spouses must comply with the means test, even if they are married out of community of property.

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Can I get my SRD grant money for months that I was unable to collect before?

You can collect payments from August 2021 to March 2022.

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Do I qualify for a SASSA loan?

SASSA does not give loans.

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What should I do if my children's SASSA cards have been left with a moneylender?

You have to contact SASSA.

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What child support options are available to mothers who cannot supply supporting documents?

They will not qualify for government support, but there may be community programmes that could help.

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What can I do if I don't qualify for government housing and have no source of income?

First claim your UIF, if you qualify. Then apply for the new Covid-19 SRD grant.

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What can I do about suspected TERS fraud?

It is possible that there was a miscalculation. You should contact the UIF immediately.

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How does one get rid of their SAPS Persal number?

Approach the SAPS unit or contact the Department of Public Service and Administration

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Can I apply for a child grant if my partner isn't South African?

You can apply for the child support grant if your partner is a refugee or permanent resident.

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