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Answers to your questions

Have a question you would like answered? Email us and we may answer it. The questions here are based on ones from our readers, with identifying information removed.

How can I stop unauthorised deductions from my SASSA grant?

You can submit a dispute of the deduction to SASSA

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What can I do if my tenant refuses to pay his rent or vacate the premises and I cannot afford to pay for his electricity?

A landlord cannot cut off a tenant's electricity even if he is in arrears with rent. You need to apply for an eviction order from the court.

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Can I take the allowance from my late husband’s estate as a lump sum instead of monthly payments?

Yes, you can. The Supreme Court ruled that lump sum payments of deceased estates could be made in terms of the law.

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Which law recognises tribal authorities and governs them and as what legal entity are they registered?

The Constitution provides that all courts must apply and therefore also recognise customary law, but that the recognition and application of customary law are subject to the Bill of Rights.

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What can I do with a birth certificate that has no ID number?

Children born to two non-South Africans and do not qualify for citizenship are entitled to a birth certificate but it will have no ID number.

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How can I get an ID if only my South African father, who has disappeared, is named on my birth certificate?

You and your mother may need to make a sworn affidavit that your father has left and that neither of you has any way of contacting him to make a certified copy of his ID.

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What can I do if my employer deducts money from my wages but does not submit to UIF? The Labour Department can’t help me.

If complaints are reported to the labour department, it is required to investigate and see that the law is followed.

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What can I do if I was wrongfully arrested?

If a false charge is being made against you, you have the right to challenge your arrest in court.

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How can my father check for his deceased brother’s unclaimed investment with a bank?

You can access a deceased person's unclaimed funds through the Association for Savings and Investment South Africa (ASISA).

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Is there a way to prevent my previous customary law wife from trying to claim my assets one day, now that I have married again under civil law in 2023?

The fact that the lobola was not paid in full before you split up, does not necessarily mean that you were not married. And if you were married under customary law, you may not marry under civil law.

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