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Answers to your questions

Have a question you would like answered? Email us and we may answer it. The questions here are based on ones from our readers, with identifying information removed.

Is interest that is automatically reinvested considered to be income for purposes of SASSA pension calculations?

Yes, interest that is automatically reinvested would be considered as income.

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How can IĀ get a South African ID so that IĀ can further my studies?

If either of your parents has permanent residency in South Africa, you would qualify to apply for permanent residence too. Then after five years, you could apply for citizenship by naturalisation.

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My landlord exploited and over-charged us because we only had a verbal lease agreement, and eventually evicted us. Can he get away with that?

You can lay a complaint against him at the rental housing tribunal and also against the estate agent who tried to evict you illegally.

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My son has schizophrenia. SASSA has declined his disability grant application. What can I do?

Perhaps your most immediate action should be to appeal this denial.

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What do I do now that the bargaining council has transferred my provident fund to my new employer?

Provident fund can only be paid if the industry of your new job is different from the industry of your old job.

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How do I claim from a funeral policy if I donā€™t want to continue paying for the policy?

It depends on the kind of funeral policy you took out.

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We need advice on how to manage the process of inheriting two properties from our late brother.

Agreement amongst the five siblings is key to dealing successfully with inheriting your late brotherā€™s properties. It is only the executor who has the right to deal with the deceased estate.

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Should I wait for the spousal permit to be extended before informing Home Affairs that weĀ are divorced?

The court ordered that a foreign ex-spouse should be allowed to live and work in the country to discharge parental duties.

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I was shot while working and I did not receive compensation forms. What can I do?

Your employer is legally obliged to assist you. If they don't, you can report them to the labour department.

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Can I dispute how much money the compensation company paid after my late husband was permanently disabled?

Your first step should be to establish from the compensation company how they decided on the amount

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