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Answers to your questions

Have a question you would like answered? Email us and we may answer it. The questions here are based on ones from our readers, with identifying information removed.

Please note: GroundUp is just a news agency. We are not lawyers or financial advisors, and we have nothing to do with SASSA, Home Affairs, or any other government bodies. We do our best to make the answers accurate using publicly available information, but we cannot accept any legal liability if there are errors. If you notice any discrepancies, please email [email protected].

Topic: Covid-19  |  Show questions and answers for all topics

Why did SASSA reject my R350 SRD grant application?

It may have found that your income exceeds R350 a month. If you disagree, you can appeal the rejection.

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Do I qualify for UIF TERS if I was temporarily laid off because of the lockdown?

You should have qualified for the previous TERS extension but the new TERS only applies to certain employees.

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What can I do about suspected TERS fraud?

It is possible that there was a miscalculation. You should contact the UIF immediately.

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I contracted Covid-19 and have received no support from my employer

You may want the CCMA to get involved.

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Can my employer maintain a 15% pay cut because we are all working from home?

Yes, because the BCEA is still in force despite the pandemic. You could discuss it with your employers.

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Can I claim UIF for my workers after the salon was closed for four months?

You can claim normal UIF. Your salon might qualify for the latest extension of the TERS payout.

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Can NSFAS approve my application if I'm getting the SRD?

You need to contact NSFAS

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Can my wife’s employer refuse to retrench his staff during lockdown?

I don’t think your wife’s employer can be compelled to retrench his employees during the lockdown.

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My asylum seeker permit expired and now I don't qualify for UIF. What can I do?

Your permit is still considered valid if it expired on or after 15 March.

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How should matric 2020 learners without IDs apply to tertiary education institutions?

You can still apply for a temporary ID at Home Affairs.

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