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Answers to your questions

Have a question you would like answered? Email us and we may answer it. The questions here are based on ones from our readers, with identifying information removed.

What does "Position in Area" mean on my government house application?

"Position in Area" is a reference number for the housing department. It does not necessarily mean you will be allocated a house.

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Can a domestic worker who contributed to UIF have her claim rejected on the basis of not having worked enough days?

If she had been contributing to UIF for less than four years, she can claim one day for every six days worked while contributing.

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What is the risk from stopping antiretroviral treatment (ART)?

The risk of becoming ill from being off ART depends on how long you stay off ART and your HIV history.

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In the case of joint ownership by multiple parties, what happens if one of the shareholders die?

The deceased's share will be divided between the remaining shareholders. Any major decisions regarding the property, like selling, need the approval of all co-owners.

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Why was my SASSA grant stopped in December and January?

SASSA suspended SRD grants to beneficiaries suspected of fraud.

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How can I apply for a SASSA child support grant if I don't have a bank statement to prove my income?

If you don’t have a bank account, there are other ways you can prove your income situation to SASSA.

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How can I get more information about my parent's death on duty if their employer won't meet with me?

It is illegal for them to withhold this information. They are supposed to report the death to COIDA. Here are some steps you can take.

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If my mother passed away after SASSA paid her grant, how can her family access the money?

If she had not withdrawn her pension in the month she died, the family member who paid for the funeral can apply to SASSA for unclaimed benefits.

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If my SASSA card expires, can I still receive money but not be able to withdraw? Or will the money not be paid at all?

SASSA will not stop paying your grant money, but if you do not draw your grant for three months, the grant will lapse.

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What rights do the backyard dwellers have to my mother’s council house now that she's died?

Council houses are not owned but rented to tenants, the tenancy agreement comes to an end automatically when the tenant dies.

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