
We can still save our abalone and lobster stocks - here’s how

We need more inspectors, and we need the urgent implementation of the small-scale fisheries policy


Science | 4 May 2022

Electric cars are not yet a solution for South Africa

Evaluating the environmental footprint of electric cars


Science | 3 May 2022

Less talk, more action: South Africa’s failing response to the antibiotic resistance pandemic

Our government’s report card reads: “Must do better”

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Science | 10 February 2022

HIV incidence in South Africa has halved since 2010

This is mainly due to antiretroviral treatment and condom promotion, but male medical circumcision and behaviour change after HIV diagnosis had a role too


Science | 9 February 2022

What can you do to reduce the risk of getting an antibiotic-resistant infection?

Part four in our series on antibiotic resistance


Science | 3 February 2022

The widespread misuse of antibiotics in humans, animals and the environment must stop

I know of many cases where employers will not allow sick leave without employees having antibiotics to show for it


Science | 31 January 2022

Why the “war” against bacteria is the wrong strategy

Part two in a series on antibiotic resistance


Science | 27 January 2022

Living with Covid - The pandemic has changed and so must our approach to it

How vaccination nudges our immune systems


Science | 26 January 2022

There’s another pandemic we should be focused on: antibiotic-resistant infections

Millions of people are now dying every year because of bad practices and South Africa is one of the worst culprits


Science | 25 January 2022

Covid-19: How South Africa differs from the rest of the continent

Deaths have been massively underestimated in Africa

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Science | 19 January 2022

Why we need the James Webb Space Telescope AND the SKA

The two are very different


Science | 18 January 2022

Western Cape study shows why Omicron wave caused less death

High rates of vaccination, past infections and the variant itself helped suppress deaths and hospitalisations


Science | 14 January 2022

The paradox of infection and vaccination statistics

Does it seem like a lot of your vaccinated friends are infected with Covid? That doesn’t mean the vaccines aren’t working


Science | 8 December 2021

We have a new Covid variant. An epidemiologist explains what we should do

If we do lock down, we must time it properly for it to be effective


Science | 26 November 2021

Government funding delay causes vital insect research unit to close

“Our organisation was subsidising a lot of work in the hope that the tender would come through, and it just hasn’t”


Science | 22 October 2021

Covid-19: Is it time to allow home-testing?

Some scientists argue it will reduce transmission, but the South African regulator is worried

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Science | 19 October 2021