
If you’ve had Covid, should you get vaccinated?

Yes, the evidence shows vaccination reduces your risk of getting reinfected


Science | 15 October 2021

Covid-19 has claimed nearly a quarter of a million lives in South Africa

Here’s how deaths have changed over the past two decades

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Science | 8 October 2021

Anti-vaxxers are making a false claim about the first vaccine dose. We debunk it

Contrary to what misinformers claim, the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine does give you protection against Covid, and a second dose gives even more


Science | 23 September 2021

Nick Hudson and PANDA are wrong. Believing them is deadly

Vaccines are working in South Africa. Here’s the proof


Science | 14 September 2021

Deaths from Covid-19 are more than double the official count

Researchers have suggested how government can help fix the numbers

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Science | 12 August 2021

Survey estimates half of all adults under 70 have likely had Covid-19

Study was conducted in January and May, before the third wave peaked


Science | 8 July 2021

Ivermectin: balance of evidence shows no benefit against Covid-19

While it’s too soon to say that the drug is useless, it has clearly been overhyped

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Science | 5 July 2021

Alcohol bans reduced deaths, study finds

UCT and MRC researchers found that dozens of deaths a day were averted by restrictions


Science | 3 July 2021

The EFF wants us to use the Russian and Chinese vaccines. But there are unanswered questions about them

The regulatory authority must act in the public interest and not be swayed by undue pressure

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Science | 23 June 2021

Tim Noakes and BizNews are spreading dangerous falsehoods

They have misrepresented Anthony Fauci’s correspondence and cast aspersions on Glenda Gray


Science | 6 June 2021

Africa has a higher death rate among critically ill Covid-19 patients than anywhere else

The death rate was 48% compared to the global average of 32%


Science | 21 May 2021

The problem with pausing a vaccine rollout

Interrupting a programme early leads to many more infections than one might naively estimate

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Science | 21 April 2021

Report shows dangerous levels of pollution in Cape Town’s rivers, vleis and estuaries

Quality of water bodies has declined over 40 years


Science | 9 April 2021

Covid-19 has hit pregnant women hard

Researchers find higher rates of still births and maternal deaths


Science | 7 April 2021

Should we have another tough lockdown? Not yet

Starting a lockdown too early or too late reduces the benefits but not the hardships


Science | 31 March 2021