Traditional Leaders

Butterworth families evicted by chiefs in 2011 are still waiting for promised houses

People of Bhungeni were moved to make way for a mall which has still not been built


News | 9 July 2024

Not enough public participation: Constitutional Court scraps Traditional and Khoi-San Leadership Act

“The importance of public participation in South Africa cannot be understated,” say judges


Law | 30 May 2023

Khoisan occupation in Grabouw is no longer our problem, says forestry department

The settlement called Knoflokskraal is to be managed by departments of Public Works and COGTA


Brief | 18 April 2023

Traditional leaders threaten to go to court over suspension of circumcisions

Minister Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma calls for more consultations


News | 30 September 2020

Mounting pressure on families holding out against coal mine expansion

“We know that if we are not here, our house will be burnt down”

By and

Feature | 3 June 2020

Limpopo villagers fear shopping mall will take their water

The Magangeni community want the traditional council to sink boreholes for the village


News | 20 March 2020

Eleventh-hour delay in court case involving King Goodwill Zwelithini

Zulu royal land trust is accused of “extorting” millions from rural residents


News | 20 November 2019

King Zwelithini’s trust keeps people poor

Ingonyama Trust denies customary ownership rights to people living on its land

By and

Opinion | 29 August 2019

Villagers want authorities to build a wall to divide them

Residents in Zitha and Sicamba in the Eastern Cape have been feuding since last year


News | 11 April 2019

Court orders tribal authority to act democratically

Traditional leadership can be compatible with democracy and the Constitution


Law | 28 May 2018

Families evicted by tribal authority want to go back to their land

Residents of Bhungeni were moved to make way for shopping mall


News | 12 April 2017

Traditional and Khoi-San Leadership Bill: MPs failed dismally to consult the public

Flawed hearings made a mockery of constitutional requirements


Opinion | 5 April 2017

San Council launches code of ethics for researchers

Research must be on our terms, says council


News | 3 March 2017

Hearings on Khoi San Bill held with no translation into Khoi and San languages

Portfolio committee hearings in Northern Cape off to shaky start


Opinion | 1 December 2016

State is reinforcing apartheid injustices in rural areas

Traditional leaders have jurisdiction over land within the same apartheid boundaries that were carved out under Bantu Authorities Act

By and

Opinion | 19 September 2016