
Khayelitsha residents document their daily struggle with toilets

Photographic exhibition shows access to sanitation from the perspective of people living in informal settlements


Brief | 20 November 2023

Sewage in the sea: City fails to meet Hout Bay permit conditions

The City of Cape Town’s own data shows it is releasing more sewage than is allowed


News | 17 November 2023

Protection racket halts toilet cleaning in Khayelitsha

Service provider withdrew after threats at gunpoint and extortion attempts

By and

News | 9 November 2023

Roads in Kariega have been flooded for months

Taxi association in Kariega says: “We were promised that the problem would be fixed but it isn’t”


Brief | 3 November 2023

Mandela Park families approved a sample toilet in 2008. 15 years later, they’re still waiting for the rest

Residents of Eastern Cape informal settlement say they’re not going to vote unless they get their promised toilets


News | 1 November 2023

Communal toilets overflowing with faeces due to extortion

About a month ago, Sanitech workers were held at gunpoint and extortionists demanded several thousand rand


News | 30 October 2023

Sewage still seeps through Kariega streets and the mayor is nowhere to be seen

Promises made in July have not been kept


News | 25 October 2023

No rubbish collection for third month in Mamelodi

Vendors desperate as garbage piles up


News | 12 October 2023

Two people arrested during toilet protest in Durban

Informal settlement families say they only have five mobile toilets for over 400 shacks


Brief | 3 October 2023

Cape Town ordered to hold public hearings on sewage being pumped into the sea

Environment minister criticises City’s previous lack of engagement


News | 21 September 2023

Sewage gushes out of drain in Khayelitsha

Shack dwellers say City of Cape Town is slow to respond to complaints


Brief | 21 September 2023

Makhanda households fed up with living in a sewage nightmare

Residents of Hooggenoeg and Scotts Farm say the sewer system has been dysfunctional for over a decade


News | 18 September 2023

Swellendam residents march for cheaper electricity

This comes two weeks after the town was brought to a standstill with violent protests


News | 30 August 2023

Potholes, broken drains and crime: you’ve got to be brave to drive in Samora Machel

Sewage oozes onto the streets and there are holes in the main roads


News | 29 August 2023

Streets in Durban township are covered in sewage

Ward councillor blames frequent sewerage blockages on residents throwing rubbish into the drains


Brief | 28 August 2023

Gauteng Premier promises a “realistic” plan for services in Slovo Park

The settlement has waited for over two decades to be upgraded despite a 2016 court ruling in residents’ favour


News | 24 August 2023