
Putting the horse before the cart

Cart horses depend for their welfare on their drivers and owners, and the grooms and farriers that help them

Text and all photos by Nicholas Ashby.

Feature | 10 November 2016

Zimbabwe domestic workers’ secret Wi-Fi sales

Thandi sells bandwidth while "Madam" is at work


Feature | 10 November 2016

School children bunk classes to make gold

Parents complain illegal miners lure their kids with easy money


Feature | 4 November 2016

“They’re stealing the sport”

An in-depth look at the changing face of traditional horse racing in the Eastern Cape - Part Three

Text by Christopher Clark. Photos by Masixole Feni.

Feature | 2 November 2016

Why National Minumum Wage negotiations are deadlocked

Are business negotiators representing the best interests of their constituency?


Analysis | 25 October 2016

Station deck traders complain about drug dealers

“Our customers are afraid”


News | 11 October 2016

Getting a shoe in with business

Asinazo Mzimeli has started a shoe-making business in her shack in Philippi


News | 23 September 2016

How does an illegal gold miner get money across the border?

A new breed of money couriers has earned the trust of immigrants shut out of formal banking


News | 23 September 2016

Constitutional Court ends shady practice by creditors

From now on judges must approve deductions against salaries by creditors


Law | 20 September 2016

Leticha and the debt trap

A case study of how vulnerable people are preyed upon


Feature | 15 September 2016

The economics of African women’s hair

School protests for rule changes are not only about race and identity


Analysis | 15 September 2016

Why the Hawks don’t have a case against Gordhan

An explanation of the law


Law | 25 August 2016

The night run: how Zimbabwean traders are dodging suffocating import restrictions

"We are poor. We will go naked if we are prevented from importing cheap garments for resale."


Feature | 25 August 2016

Kalk Bay’s fishers battle for permits

Fishers risk “limb and neck to get that fish and to put something on the table”


Photo Essay | 15 August 2016

BASF workers on strike because of dispute over back pay

Workers say that they are owed money for first half of 2016


News | 12 August 2016