Arts and culture

New copyright bill will take South Africa into the 21st century at last

The bill will give South African artists and creators benefits and rights already enjoyed in many countries


Opinion | 15 September 2022

“Ubuntu is alive” and it sounds like marimbas

Annual Marimba Jam Festival in Cape Town brings youth together


Brief | 13 September 2022

Meet Makhanda’s self-taught pencil artist

Lubabalo Kosi captured the hearts of people in his community after winning a local government tourism competition


Brief | 30 August 2022

Video: How a disabled man has brought chess to one of Cape Town’s poorest schools

Sidwell Mayekiso hopes one of his students will one day become a Grandmaster

By and

Video | 18 March 2022

Meet Hendrick Chebanga, an artist who makes model cars

“I make anything with wheels or without wheels so long as they send me a photo”


Video | 16 March 2022

Blind DJ feels the music as he spins the decks

Raeez Kuhn aka DJ Eezo from Eldorado Park says his dream is to become a headlining DJ


News | 25 February 2022

Media executive linked to River Club developer

CEO of Cape Town media company has boardroom connections to developer’s interests


News | 30 November 2021

SA music industry exposed: the money is not going to the artists

One of many grim statistics: of R200 million in royalties collected by SAMPRA in 2020, R41 million went on “administrative costs”


Feature | 26 November 2021

Catastrophic decline in the South African music industry

Once seen as a vital growth point with huge export potential, our music industry is a tiny shadow of its former self, and Covid is not the main culprit


Feature | 24 November 2021

Salt River community celebrates shared heritage with the Palestinian cause

New murals a break from “cultural gentrification”


News | 27 September 2021

How musicians are helping health workers cope with Covid

The Covid-19 pandemic has exhausted health workers. To boost morale, musicians Graham Alexander and Colin September are performing in the hallways of hospitals.


Video | 13 September 2021

Free art therapy, drama and stories help inner-city children find their way

For 27 years, Lefika la Phodiso has welcomed Johannesburg children from six to 18


Feature | 6 September 2021

Teaching tomorrow’s ballet stars in Gugulethu

The Move for Two dance school has classes three times a week in a classroom at Bonga Primary school

Text and Photos by Ashraf Hendricks

Photo Essay | 24 August 2021

Homeless man creates unique lampshades from recycled material

Ziggy Goredema lost his job and home at the start of lockdown and began making and selling the hanging lampshades


News | 17 August 2021