Answer to a question from a reader

How can I report a shop that took my money but never delivered my purchase?

The short answer

You can lodge a complaint at a Consumer Protection office under Section 41 of the Consumer Protection Act.

The whole question

Dear Athalie

I ordered couches from a furniture store and paid for them up front in September last year. They told me their materials come from overseas so my order would only be ready in mid-November. As November passed, I still had no one from the shop communicate with me. I contacted the sales person who helped me on the day and he said he had gone home for the holidays and would contact me when he was back in January, which he didn't do. I have since sent him countless messages and and phoned him numerous times, and he would promise to deliver my couches soon. To date, I still have not received the couches or a refund. 

The long answer

The Consumer Protection Act provides protection against fraud and dishonest practices and has the power to make a supplier compensate you for the loss they have caused you. They advise that you first contact the management of the company and demand that they supply the couches or refund you. 

If the company does not supply the couches or refund you, you can contact the provincial Consumer Protection office, where you can lodge a complaint under Section 41 of the Consumer Protection Act. They say that you should say why you are complaining, give the company’s details, say what they said when you contacted them, and what you want to see happen.

You can contact the Gauteng office at this email:

Address: Ground Floor, Matlotlo House, 94 Main Street, Johannesburg;

Tel: 011 355 8000 / 8730

They say that if you have a case, they will make the supplier refund you or supply the goods. Their website says it could take ‘a while’ to investigate your complaint. You should also perhaps consider laying a charge of theft and fraud against the company with the police.

Wishing you the best,

Answered on May 24, 2024, 1:06 p.m.

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