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Answers to your questions

Have a question you would like answered? Email us and we may answer it. The questions here are based on ones from our readers, with identifying information removed.

In the eyes of the law, are customary marriages equal to civil marriages?

Yes, they are, according to the Recognition of Customary Marriages Act of 1998.

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How can farmworkers access their provident fund?

Contact the Agricultural Sector Provident Fund (ASPF)

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Can I remove a beneficiary my late wife added to her title deed?

It depends whether she left a will, if you were married in community of property, and if you had an antenuptial contract.

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How do I claim my inheritance trust funds?

Go to the Master's office or magistrate's court with an application on form J251 and certified proof of the account holder's identity.

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Should I transfer the title deed of my late aunt's house from my name to her daughter-in-law's?

If you are the legal owner of the house, you do not need to transfer it to her. Maybe you can work out a setup that benefits you both.

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Can I be kicked out of school for being 19 in Grade 11?

Being two years older than the average age of your grade isn't unusual. You can plead your case with the school or you can continue your education through ABET.

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How can people who cannot personally go to Home Affairs get their IDs?

You can make a sworn affidavit explaining his position and try to apply for it as his parent/guardian.

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Can I vote in the general elections if I do not have an ID?

Yes, but you will need a Temporary Identity Certificate from Home Affairs

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How does payment work if you have been medically boarded?

If you are registered with an insurance policy or provident fund that provides disability benefits, you can submit a claim for a monthly stipend.

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Can I get a visa in South Africa when I am customarily married to a South African citizen?

You can apply for a spousal visa on a visitorโ€™s visa from within South Africa, following a Constitutional Court ruling in June 2019.

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