Ask Athalie Banner

Answers to your questions

Have a question you would like answered? Email us and we may answer it. The questions here are based on ones from our readers, with identifying information removed.

Why was my disability grant stopped when I turned 65?

The disability grant is only available to people aged 19 to 59.

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How can you get a birth certificate with no proof of birth or parent's ID?

You could make a sworn affidavit explaining your circumstances, but you may need legal help.

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Must I sell my late mother's house to cover her debts?

You should make an application to the bank to take over the existing home loan, but you would have to meet the bank’s qualifying criteria.

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Can I be evicted if I have a PTO certificate?

You are protected by the Interim Protection of Informal Land Rights Act and cannot be removed without your informed permission.

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Who can claim from the estate of a deceased miner who was unmarried but had a minor child?

If he did not leave a will, his child will inherit his estate when they turn 18. In the meantime, it will be kept in the Guardians Fund.

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Why did SASSA reject my R350 SRD grant application?

It may have found that your income exceeds R350 a month. If you disagree, you can appeal the rejection.

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Can my non-South African wife stay in SA beyond her tourist visa while her spousal visa is being processed?

Without a valid visa she can be classified as "undesirable" and may be banned from SA for five years.

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What should I do if my partner hid their HIV status from me?

Get an HIV test as soon as you can. You may want to get counselling as well, regardless of the result.

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Can my father move into the house my mother got in the divorce now that she has moved out?

Your father must first have the divorce order changed.

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What should I do if my employer won't submit my Workmen's Compensation documents?

You or your union representative can send a form directly to the Workmen's Compensation Commissioner.

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