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Answers to your questions

Have a question you would like answered? Email us and we may answer it. The questions here are based on ones from our readers, with identifying information removed.

How do I apply for my ex-spouse's provident fund?

If your divorce order specifically says that you are entitled to a share of the money, you can apply through the provident fund itself.

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Can I get a title deed if I only have proof of purchase, and can I build and rent out a house?

You have a land right in terms of IPILRA of 1996. Development depends on the zoning rules of your area.

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What can I do if my parents' RDP house was sold illegally?

Go to the municipality with all the documents proving the house belonged to your parents and ask them for help.

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Can the children of diplomats apply to be permanent residents in South Africa?

Yes, if they are dependent, aged between 18 and 23, and studying. They'll need temporary residence first.

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Can I object to the insurance company's rejection of my pension fund claim after being medically boarded?

Yes, if you disagree with their assessment you can lodge an objection within 180 days.

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Can my mother transfer the property she inherited directly to her children without putting it in her name first?

If your father left the property to your mother in his will, she would need to transfer it into her own name first.

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Are foreign nursing diplomas valid in South Africa?

It depends. The South African Nursing Council will recognise your qualification if it meets certain criteria.

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Can I build and sell a house if it complies with CIDB and NHBRC regulations?

Building homes is outside the scope of the CIDB but you need to register with the NHBRC before starting construction.

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What visa/permit will allow my non-South African wife to stay in the country for longer than 90 days? I am a citizen.

You can apply for a temporary spousal visa or a spousal permit.

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Can the surviving spouse change the joint will created with the deceased?

No, both spouses need to agree to change the joint will and this is no longer possible if one has passed away.

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