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Answers to your questions

Have a question you would like answered? Email us and we may answer it. The questions here are based on ones from our readers, with identifying information removed.

Can I as a Zimbabwean travel to South Africa to give my child my surname?

Yes, your child can bear your name. You can travel to South Africa if you have a relative visa.

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Can I stop the sale of my father's house if he died before the sale was completed?

No, the deed of sale remains a binding contract

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Can my step-mother keep me from inheriting my late father's RDP house?

You cannot inherit if your father did not leave you anything in his will. Minor children can make a claim for maintenance if they were excluded from the will.

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I just found out I am not legally my late father's child. Can I inherit from his estate?

If you were legally adopted or if he named you an heir in his will, then yes. Otherwise no.

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How can I get a copy of my South Africanā€“born child's birth certificate? Neither parent is South African.

Everyone born in South Africa has the right to a birth certificate. You should be able to get a copy from Home Affairs.

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Can I apply for a work permit even if I am unemployed?

You could apply for a critical skills permit or a general work permit (if you get a job offer).

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Can my provident fund account be blocked if I didn't finish the last few days of my notice period?

No, the employer can sue you for breach of contract, but they cannot block your provident fund.

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Why was my asylum seeker permit blocked when I tried to renew it?

Unless Home Affairs gave you a letter rejecting your application on the basis of it being ā€œmanifestly unfoundedā€, ā€œunfoundedā€, or ā€˜ā€œabusive or fraudulent, this was likely a mistake.

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I failed to contribute to my employee's UIF. Am I liable to pay for 1% or 2% of her earnings in addition to penalties and interest?

Yes, you are liable for 2%. An employer who failed to register their worker is not allowed to deduct any outstanding amounts from their salary.

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What can I do if I earn too much for an RDP but not enough to qualify for a home loan?

You can apply for a FLISP grant as part of the government's ā€œHelp-Me-Buy-a-Homeā€ scheme

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