Ask Athalie Banner

Answers to your questions

Have a question you would like answered? Email us and we may answer it. The questions here are based on ones from our readers, with identifying information removed.

How can I get an interview for a birth certificate at Home Affairs?

You can phone their hotline but you will probably have better luck if you get help from a non-government organisation.

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How can we trust that the Post Office will pay our Voluntary Severance Packages if they mismanaged our pensions and UIF?

You cannot claim UIF if you take a Voluntary Severance Package. You need legal advice.

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Can my employer refuse to help me register for a trade test?

If the firm has a payroll of over R500,000, then they must register with SETA and provide learnerships.

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Why was my SASSA grant declined then approved?

Your SASSA grant may have been delayed due to changes made by changes to the qualifying criteria.

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How can I adopt my minor relative's baby?

You should contact the Department of Social Development, but the baby needs a birth certificate first.

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What can I do if I am overdue on school fees debt but cannot afford to pay?

Find out the details of your debt and repayments: If you have paid more than double how much you initially owed, you are not liable for more payments.

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I accidentally applied for early retirement due to ill health instead of disability. What can I do?

Unfortunately, you can't take your application back once it's been approved. You should get details about your umbrella fund's retirement due to ill health benefits.

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What can I do if a UIF employee won't help me even if I have all the necessary documents?

You can contact the UIF Call Centre to ask that they help you. You can also lodge a complaint against the employee.

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What can I do if my mother ripped up my birth certificate before I could get an ID?

It would be best if you can get another trusted adult to go with you, but sometimes these processes at Home Affairs prove difficult.

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Can I get money from my husband who left me after four years married under Islamic law?

In Islam, it states clearly that the husband is responsible for providing for his wife and children financially. But you may need legal help.

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