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Answers to your questions

Have a question you would like answered? Email us and we may answer it. The questions here are based on ones from our readers, with identifying information removed.

Topic: Disability Rights  |  Show questions and answers for all topics

Why was my disability grant stopped when I turned 65?

The disability grant is only available to people aged 19 to 59.

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Can I claim UIF if my WCA has been approved but not paid out?

If your WCA claim was still being assessed, then yes. But it is unclear whether you can apply for UIF now.

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Can I still get my social grant if I inherit money?

Yes, but only if you still pass the means test.

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I am disabled and my house is crumbling. What can I do?

The municipality should help you, but you may have better luck contacting a humanitarian organisation.

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Can disabled people get RDP houses?

Yes, the municipality is supposed to give preference to a disabled person applying for an RDP house.

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Does the disability grant cover mental health issues?

Sometimes, but ultimately it is up to SASSA's discretion

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Should an employer pay their worker during the period before the disability benefit is paid out?

The employer is not obliged to retain an employee who is permanently incapacitated if her working circumstances cannot be adapted.

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How can we apply for an ID for our foster child that has a mental disability? Home Affairs and Social Services refuse to help.

You may need legal intervention to compel Social Services to issue the required documentation for Home Affairs.

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What is the maximum amount of additional income that I can earn without jeopardising my disability grant?

You may not earn more than R172,560 (R14,380 per month) jointly, if you are married.

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How can I make SASSA pay for December and January instead of paying double in January?

You can either contact SASSA's helpline or request paralegal assistance.

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